Upon the tragic and unexpected death of Tom Petty in October 2017, Tom The Torpedoes were formed in Florence, Kentucky. This band has the magic ingredients to nail that genuine vintage and signature Tom Petty sound. This is not the usual tribute show. Rather a professional rock and roll band following a true calling. These guys are super players and have their own look without pretense (no wigs).
Tom Petty has more radio hits than can be covered in one show. The Torpedoes play them all plus some deep cuts and thrilling audiences everywhere. The band is booking big stages, festivals, outdoor events, special events, concerts, theaters, breweries and private parties.
“We got something really big going on. They just don’t know it yet. But they’re going to know it!” – Tom
The Band:
Brad Dance – lead vocals and bass guitars
Don Lord - guitars and vocals
Denny "The Barron" Lyons - 6 and 12-string guitars and vocals
Taylor James O’Brien – drums
Richard Scott - piano, organ, synthesizer and vocals
Book us for any occasion!
Watch Tom The Torpedoes perform American Girl from The Heartbreakers first self-titled LP 1976
Watch Tom The Torpedoes perform The Waiting
REFUGEE by Tom The Torpedoes
Denny brings a huge 12 string sound. Along with his 6 string guitars, he sports a Vox AC30. It has made a massive and immediate impact. "The Barron" makes us even more legit.
America's best Tom Petty Tribute!
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